教育背景 中国海洋大学硕博连读(2012-2017)
研究领域 生物信息学、免疫学、遗传育种
现授课程 水产动物育种学
1. Transcriptome profiling provides gene resources for understanding gill immune responses in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) challenged with Edwardsiella tarda. Fish & Shellfish Immunology (2017). (IF 3.148) 一区,第一作者。
2. Transcriptome profiling based on protein–protein interaction networks provides a core set of genes for understanding blood immune response mechanisms against Edwardsiella tarda infection in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Developmental and Comparative Immunology (2017). (IF:3.218) 一区;第一作者。
3. Sequencing-based network analysis provides a core set of gene resource for understanding kidney immune response against Edwardsiella tarda infection in Japanese flounder. Fish & Shellfish Immunology (2017). (IF 3.148) 一区,第一作者。
4. GATA6 during Gonadal Development in Japanese Flounder: Gonadogenesis, Regulation of Gender-Related Genes, Estrogen Formation and Gonadal Function Maintenance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2017). (IF 3.226) 二区,第一作者。
5. GATA4 is a transcriptional regulator of R-spondin1 in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Gene (2018). (IF 2.498) 三区,第一作者。
6. Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) in spotted halibut (Verasper variegatus): Inducible expression by poly(I:C) and LPS, 3D structure prediction, and novel functions at the embryonic and metamorphic stages. Journal of Ocean University of China (2018). (IF 0.601) 四区,第一作者。
7. Title of the manuscript: Teleost type 2 interleukin-1 re-ceptor (IL-1R2) from the spotted halibut (Verasper var-iegatus): Immune responses to poly(I:C) and LPS stresses, 3D structure prediction, and novel functions at the embryonic and metamorphic stages. Molecular Biology (2018). (IF 0.977) 四区,第一作者。
8. Expression and functional analysis of receptor-interacting serine/threonine kinase 2 (RIP2) in Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Fish & Shellfish Immunology (2018). (IF 3.148) 一区,第四作者。
9. Identification and Characterization of a PRDM14 Homolog in Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2015). (IF 3.226) 二区,第七作者。
10. Sequences analyses and expression profiles in tissues and embryos of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) PRDM1. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry (2015). (IF 1.735) 三区,第八作者。
11. Molecular Cloning, Expression Pattern, and 3D Structural Prediction of the Cold Inducible RNA Binding Protein (CIRP) in Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus). Journal of Ocean University of China (2015). (IF 0.601) 四区,第四作者。
1. 国家现代农业(贝类)产业技术体系岗位科学家项目—头足类养殖(CARS-49)
2. 山东省良种工程重大项目“大宗经济贝类新品种选育及应用—优质高出肉率牡蛎新品系选育”(2017LZGC009)
3. 山东省重点研发计划项目“基于NIR技术的长牡蛎品质性状种质评价”(2017GHY215006)
4. 山东省现代农业(刺参)产业技术创新体系-刺参育种岗位“刺参耐高温新品系的选育”(SDAIT-08-011-02)